BAN Artwork's PentaPrism

BAN Artwork on prototyping

"At least for me, prototyping is about failure. It's about trying over and over again, learning something new in every rendition. My artwork has been no exception to this process. My primary physical work began as a crazy idea in response to a call for artists for an installation at a local bar. Even though I wasn't selected, I chose to build a smaller version of the idea to see if it would really work. And it did! With every piece since, I have adapted how I construct, how I incorporate technology, and even the materials that I use. I've come so far in my process and still have so far to go but I wouldn't be anywhere without my constant prototyping and experimenting. It has become the foundation of my process and allowed all of my crazy ideas to come to life, even if just in a small scale, which eventually allows them to flourish."

see BAN Artwork's bioreturn to artwork